This series was done as a proposal for the 2019 Fall Exhibition for the BA Design seniors at California State University Long Beach.
The Coffee Company is a fictitious brand of my own making. I designed a coffee making kit for them that includes ground coffee, sugar, coffee filters and a coffee pour over.
The above posters were created as part of a larger project to recreate the cult classic, Casablanca, as if it were being remade today. The film is set in World War III, the Berlin Wall still separates the East and West. Our main characters take refuge in a half destroyed church called Casa Blanca that operates as a nightclub with secret tunnels underneath that play host to a thriving underground world while war wages above them.
Nightrider was created as part of a proposal for a local brand in need of some print work.
An illustrated Braun razor done to look photo real.
Microfiber plastics make up much of our ocean pollution and are produced when synthetic fibers are put through the wash. This info graphic provides easily digestible information for readers.